The female protagonist’s love for Sir Lanyon reaches climax in act forty-six, scene four—the balcony scene—where she ponders ‘What satisfaction canst thou have tonight for thou is certainly in the dog house on this night’ to which JL quips: ‘The exchange of thy love's faithful vow for mine etcetera etcetera blah ...thine mine thou wow wilt whatever weald. I shalt not renege nor repunge my repunzel’ Such candid moments work to evoke a myriad of emotion toward the lovers' love (for this goth, 88 parts admiration, 12 parts envy). FARRK THIS BLOG IS SHITTER THAN I AM.
Following curtain drop, cast and crew bounced into town to deliver gothgurl 09 to her graveyard shift at KFC. Other goths and other bloggers were sighted and quarantined. All goths paid the remaining Moran fifty sea shells to paddle a pink stretch hummer across the river whilst chanting the final verse of a buried Brian Wilson B side. BON JOVEEEEEEIAL
**Don’t report me to Stratford upon Avon for plagiarism, that surrr been dead for longer than
this blog

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